ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mobile virtual network operator

Alright kiddo, have you ever heard of a cell phone company, like AT&T or Verizon? A mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) is kind of like a mini version of those big companies.

Let's say you want a cell phone plan, but you don't want to pay a lot of money. An MVNO is a company that can give you a plan that uses the same cell towers, antennas, and signals as the big cell phone companies, but usually for less money.

So it's like if you wanted to buy a toy, but instead of buying it from the big toy store, you could buy it from your friend who has the same toy and will charge you less money.

The way it works is that an MVNO will buy time and usage from the big cell phone companies at a lower rate than what they charge their regular customers. Then, the MVNO will sell their cell phone plans to customers, but at a lower price than what the big companies charge.

So, an MVNO is kind of like a middle man who helps you get a cheaper cell phone plan by using the same towers and signals as the big companies.

I hope that helps you understand what a mobile virtual network operator is!