ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modeling agency

A modeling agency is a company that helps people who want to be models to find jobs.

Think of it like your mom helping you find a play date with a friend. Your mom helps you find someone to play with because she knows other parents and their kids. Similarly, modeling agencies know people in the modeling industry and can help models find work.

When you want to be a model, you can sign up with a modeling agency. They will take your picture and measurements to create your "modeling portfolio". This is like a photo album that shows off your best pictures and information about you.

The modeling agency will then show your portfolio to people who need models for their work, like clothing companies or photographers. If they like your pictures, you might get a job!

The modeling agency helps you earn money for modeling jobs, and takes a commission (a small percentage of your earnings) for finding the job for you.

So, a modeling agency is like a matchmaker for models and jobs. They help you find work, make money, and grow your career as a model.
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