ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Models of migration to the New World

Hi there! Have you ever heard of the word "migration"? It means when people move from one place to another. A very long time ago, people from Europe, Africa, and Asia wanted to find new places to live. They sailed across a really big ocean and found a whole new land called the New World.

Now, scientists have been trying to understand why they decided to leave their homes and how they got to this new place. There are different ideas that scientists call "models" that try to explain this. Let me tell you about three of them.

1. The Coastal Model: Some people think that the first humans came to the New World by walking along the coast. They think that people went in boats from Asia, traveled along the coast and finally reached the coast of North America. These people then spread to other parts of the New World.

2. The Inland Ice-Free Corridor Model: Some people believe that people traveled from Asia and went through a big pathway that was free of ice. It was called an "ice-free corridor". This path didn't have ice on it during the time they think was around 12,000 years ago. They believe that people used this path to go from Asia to North America.

3. The Pacific Coastal Model: Other scientists believe that the people did not come from the land at all. They believe people from Asia traveled on boats to the coast of North America. These people then settled along the coast and moved further inland.

These are just a few ideas that scientists have been discussing. There might be other models too. Scientists are still doing research to better understand how the first people came to the New World.