ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modern Paganism

Modern paganism is a type of religion that is based on the beliefs and practices of ancient religions like the Greeks, Romans, and Celts.

This means that people who follow modern paganism believe in gods and goddesses who are associated with different aspects of life, like love, wisdom, and nature. They may also believe in spirits, ancestors, and other supernatural beings.

People who follow modern paganism may celebrate different seasonal festivals, like the solstices and equinoxes. They may also perform rituals or spells to honor their gods and goddesses, ask for help or guidance, or connect with the natural world around them.

Some practices of modern paganism include meditation, divination (predicting the future), and using natural materials like herbs and crystals for healing or magic.

It's important to remember that modern paganism can be very different depending on the person or group practicing it. Some might be more focused on worshiping ancient gods and goddesses, while others might be more focused on personal spirituality and connection to the natural world.