ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modern Slavery Act 2015

The Modern Slavery Act is a law that helps stop people from being treated unfairly and badly. Some people might be forced to work without being paid or be treated very badly by their bosses. This Act helps people who might be being treated unfairly, by making sure that businesses check their suppliers and factories to make sure no one is being treated badly.

The Act also helps people who have been treated very badly and unfairly, for example, by giving them the right to get help from the police or the government. It also helps companies by making sure they behave properly and don’t use people to do work they shouldn’t be doing.

This law helps to make sure that everyone is treated equally and fairly, and that no one is being forced to do anything they don’t want to do. It’s important that we all follow this law so that everyone can be happy and treated with kindness and respect.