ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modes of Leadership

Leadership is like being a captain of a team. Just like the captain of a team can lead in different ways such as being bossy, kind, or letting everyone have a say, there are different ways to lead that we call modes of leadership.

One way to lead is called autocratic leadership. This means that the leader makes all of the decisions and doesn't really listen to what the rest of the team has to say. It's like a bossy captain who thinks they know everything.

Another way to lead is called democratic leadership. This means that the leader listens to everyone's ideas, and everyone has a say in making decisions. It's like a captain who asks everyone on the team what they think before making a decision.

A third way to lead is called laissez-faire leadership. This means that the leader gives everyone on the team a lot of freedom to make their own decisions. It's like a captain who trusts all the players to do what they think is best without giving too much input.

Each mode of leadership has its own strengths and weaknesses. It's up to the captain, or the leader, to choose the best mode for the team they're leading and the situation they're in to help the team succeed.