ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Modes of reproduction

Modes of reproduction refer to different ways that animals, plants, and other living things can create new individuals of their own species. There are two major modes of reproduction: sexual and asexual.

Sexual reproduction involves two individuals, usually one male and one female, who come together to create a new individual. In most animals, the male produces sperm while the female produces eggs. When these two gametes (or reproductive cells) come together during fertilization, they create a zygote. This zygote will then develop into a new individual that has a combination of genes from both the male and female parents. This means that each individual is different from its parents and siblings, and sexual reproduction creates a lot of genetic diversity within a population.

Asexual reproduction, on the other hand, only involves one individual. This type of reproduction is found in many plants and animals, such as bacteria, fungi, and some reptiles. Asexual reproduction can occur in different ways, but the most common is through something called mitosis. During mitosis, a cell splits into two identical daughter cells, each with the same genetic material as the parent cell. This means that the new individual is essentially a clone of the parent, with no variation in its genetic makeup. Asexual reproduction is useful for creating large populations quickly, but it does not produce much genetic diversity.

Some animals, such as sea stars and some lizards, can even switch between sexual and asexual reproduction depending on their environment and conditions.

In summary, modes of reproduction refer to different ways living things can create new individuals. Sexual reproduction involves two individuals creating a new individual with a combination of genes from both parents, while asexual reproduction involves one individual creating an identical clone of itself.