ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mokken scale

Have you ever played with blocks and tried to stack them in size order? That's kind of like what a Mokken scale is!

A Mokken scale is a way to measure how much someone agrees with different statements or questions. Researchers ask a bunch of questions that are related to each other, and put them in order from easiest to hardest to agree with.

Let's say the questions are all about how much you like different kinds of animals. The easiest question might be "Do you like dogs?" and the hardest question might be "Do you like snakes?"

When someone takes the Mokken scale test, they answer all the questions and their answers are scored. The score tells us how much they agree with each question, and how the questions are related to each other. If someone agrees with the easy questions but not the hard ones, we might guess that they really like some kinds of animals but not others.

Why do researchers use the Mokken scale? Sometimes they want to know how strong someone's beliefs are, or which questions are most important to them. If we know which questions are most important, we can talk to people better about the things that matter most to them.