ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Molecular assembler

Okay kiddo, so you know how people make things using machines like 3D printers or assembly lines, right? Well, scientists are working on making even tinier machines called molecular assemblers. These machines would be so small that they could manipulate individual molecules, which are the tiny building blocks that make up everything around us.

Now, imagine if we could tell these molecular assemblers what to do - we could program them to create almost anything we want, molecule by molecule. We could use them to make new medicines, better electronics, or even completely new materials that we can't even imagine yet!

But, here's the catch - making molecular assemblers is very hard work, and we're not quite there yet. It's kind of like building a toy city out of Legos - you have to be very careful and precise with each piece, or the whole thing falls apart. Scientists are working hard to figure out how to make these molecular assemblers and how to program them to do what we want.

So, while we don't have molecular assemblers yet, we're very excited about the possibilities they could bring in the future. Who knows what amazing things we might be able to create with them!