ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monarchian Prologue

Okay kiddo, so there's this thing called the Monarchian Prologue which is part of a bigger book called the Gospel of John. The Monarchian Prologue is like an introduction that explains who Jesus is.

So basically, the Monarchian Prologue says that Jesus was always with God and that he is God. It's like when you say that you're both a human and you're a kid. Jesus is both God and a person.

The Monarchian Prologue also talks about how Jesus brought light into the world and how people didn't always accept him. But the people who did accept him got to become children of God too.

So, that's what the Monarchian Prologue is all about. It's like a special introduction that talks about how Jesus is God and how he brings light to the world. Cool, right?