ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monarchism in Canada

Okay kiddo, let's talk about monarchism in Canada. You know how Canada has a queen, right? Her name is Queen Elizabeth II and she lives in England, but she's also the Queen of Canada. Monarchism is a fancy word that means supporting and liking the idea of having a queen or king as the head of a country.

So in Canada, there are people who really like the idea of having a queen, and they think it's important to keep her as our head of state. They believe that having a monarch helps to keep our country stable and respectful, and that it's a tradition that we should keep going. They also think that the Queen represents our country really well when she travels or meets with other world leaders.

But not everyone likes monarchism. Some people think that we don't need a queen, and that we should choose our own head of state instead of having it automatically given to someone else. They also think that it's not fair that the Queen has so much power and money just because of her family, and that we should be making decisions based on what's best for all of us, not just one person or family.

So some Canadians are monarchists, and some aren't. It's kind of like having two different opinions on something, and both sides have their reasons for feeling the way they do. But in the end, our government still recognizes the Queen as our head of state, and we continue to have a monarchist system of government in Canada.