ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monarchy of Papua New Guinea

Okay kiddo, so you know how some countries have a king or queen who is in charge, right? Well, Papua New Guinea is one of those countries, and they have something called a "monarchy".

But instead of having just one king or queen, they have what's called a "constitutional monarchy". This means that they have a queen (her name is Queen Elizabeth II) who is technically in charge, but she doesn't actually make any decisions or run the country day-to-day.

Instead, Papua New Guinea has a Prime Minister who is the real leader and makes all the important choices. The queen's role is mostly ceremonial, kind of like a special guest at a party.

Now, you might be wondering why they even have a queen if she doesn't actually do anything. It's mostly to do with tradition and history. Papua New Guinea used to be a colony of a bigger country called Australia, and the queen was in charge of Australia at the time. When Papua New Guinea became its own country, they decided to keep the queen as a symbolic reminder of their shared history with Australia.

So there you have it, kiddo - a monarchy is a kind of government where there's a king or queen in charge, and Papua New Guinea is one of them! But don't worry, the queen doesn't really run things, it's mostly just for show.