ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mongol conquest of Tibet

Tibet is a place on the Earth where people live. A long time ago, some people called the Mongols wanted to take control of Tibet. They had big armies and wanted to be in charge of lots of places.

So they came to Tibet with their armies and started fighting the people who lived there. The people in Tibet didn't want to be taken over by the Mongols, but they were not as strong as the Mongol armies.

The Mongols were very tough and had strong horses that could go for a long time without getting tired. They also had good weapons like bows and arrows and swords. They used these weapons to fight against the Tibetans.

Even though the Tibetans fought very bravely, they could not defeat the Mongols. In the end, the Mongols were able to take control of Tibet. They made new rules for the people there and made them follow their way of life.

This made some people in Tibet unhappy because they didn't like the way the Mongols did things. But some people adapted to the new way of life and started to follow the Mongols' rules.

Overall, the Mongol conquest of Tibet was a difficult time for the people who lived there. It changed their lives in many ways, some good and some bad.