ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mongolian name

Hello there!

A Mongolian name is just like any other name, but it comes from the country of Mongolia!

In Mongolia, people have what they call a "given name," which is the name that your parents give you when you are born. It's kind of like your first name.

But Mongolian names are a little bit different than names in other countries. For example, in some cultures, the given name might be followed by a middle name or a last name. But in Mongolia, they don't have middle names.

Instead, they have what is called a "patronymic name." A patronymic name is a name that comes from your father's name. For example, if your dad's name is "Batbold," then your patronymic name would be "Batboldiin." The "iin" at the end of the name means "son of." So, if your dad's name was "Batbold," then your full name would be "your given name Batboldiin."

On the other hand, if you're a girl, your patronymic name would be a little different. Instead of the "iin" at the end, it would be "doo" (sometimes spelled "dav" or "dew"). This means "daughter of" instead of "son of." So if your dad's name was "Batbold," and you were a girl, then your full name would be "your given name Batbolddoo."

In Mongolia, people are very proud of their names and their culture. They think that their names are very special and meaningful, and they want to pass them down to their children.

So, that's a brief explanation of what a Mongolian name is! I hope that helps you understand a little better. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me!