ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine a group of people who were really good at riding horses and shooting arrows. These people are known as the Mongols. The Mongols lived a long time ago in a place called Mongolia, which is located in Asia.

The Mongols were nomads, which means they didn't have a permanent home. Instead, they wandered around with their herds of animals. The Mongols were really good at surviving in the tough, dry landscape of Mongolia. They had to be tough themselves, too, because there were many other groups who wanted to take their animals and lands away from them.

One day, a man named Genghis Khan became the leader of the Mongols. He was really good at organizing his people into a strong army. They quickly became known as one of the most powerful fighting forces in the world at that time. They were able to conquer many other lands and people with their superior fighting skills.

The Mongols were also known for their tactics, which were different than other armies of the time. They sometimes pretended to retreat, which encouraged the other army to follow them. Then, the Mongols would turn around and attack their pursuers when they were in a vulnerable position. They were also really good at using horses in battle. The Mongols would ride their horses really fast, shoot arrows at their enemies, and then quickly move away before anyone could catch them.

The Mongols were not just conquerors, though. They also helped improve trade and communication across the Asian continent. They built roads, bridges and protected trade routes so that people could travel and trade more easily.

In summary, the Mongols were a group of really tough people who were great at riding horses, shooting arrows, and using clever tactics in battle. They built a strong army and conquered many lands, but they also helped improve trade and communication across Asia.