ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monocular vision

Monocular vision is when we use only one eye to see things around us. Think of it like a camera with one lens instead of two. When we look with only one eye, we see a bit less of the world around us than if we were using both of our eyes together. But, using one eye is still good enough for most of the things we need to do, like reading a book or playing games.

Now, why do some people only use one eye? There are different reasons - some people are born that way, while others might have lost an eye in an accident or had it removed because of an illness. But, even if someone has only one eye, they can still do almost everything that someone with two eyes can do, it just might take them a little more time to get used to it.

So, it's like having one eye is wearing a hat that covers one ear. You can still hear things, it's just a little different than hearing with both ears. And, having one eye doesn't make someone different or less capable - it's just a unique way of seeing the world.