ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Monopolies of knowledge

When someone has all the information about a certain thing, they might not want to share it with other people. This is called a "monopoly of knowledge."

It's like when you have a toy and you don't want to let your friend play with it because it's your favorite toy and you want to keep it all to yourself. But sometimes, there are things that are really important for everyone to know, like how to stay healthy or how to grow food.

When a person or a company knows a lot of information about something and doesn't want to share it with others, it can be bad for everyone else. For example, if a big medicine company knows how to cure a disease but doesn't share it with other people, lots of people could get sick and die.

This is why laws exist to make sure that some important knowledge is shared with everyone. When people or companies have to share their knowledge, more people can benefit from it and everyone has a better chance of staying healthy and happy.