ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Morissette v. United States

Morissette v. United States was a court case that happened a long time ago, in the year 1952. It was about a man named Morissette who was accused of stealing some stuff from an old military base that was no longer being used. Morissette thought the stuff was abandoned and didn't belong to anyone, so he took it.

The problem was that the law said that taking things from government property, even if it's abandoned, is still wrong and is considered stealing. Morissette didn't know this, and he thought he was doing nothing wrong.

The court had to decide if Morissette was guilty of stealing or not. They looked at the law and whether or not it was clear enough that taking things from abandoned property was still considered stealing.

In the end, the court said that the law was not clear enough, and that Morissette did not know he was doing anything wrong, so he was not guilty. This case helped to make sure that the law is clear and easy to understand, so people can follow it and know when they are doing something wrong.