ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mosaic (geodemography)

So you know how when you go to school, some of the kids in your class might like sports or video games more than others? Well, when people grow up and become adults, they still have different likes and interests.

Mosaic geodemography is a way to group people together based on things like what they like, what they buy, and where they live. This can help businesses figure out what kinds of things to sell in different areas.

For example, if there are a lot of families with young kids in a certain neighborhood, a company might want to sell toys or kids' clothes there. Or if lots of people in an area like to eat healthy, a grocery store might want to focus on selling lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

So it's kind of like putting puzzle pieces together to figure out what kinds of people live in different places, and what those people might want to buy.