ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Motion of no confidence

Okay kiddo, so let me try to make this easy to understand. A motion of no confidence is basically like a vote to say "we don't think this person or group of people is doing a good job and we want someone else to take over."

It's like if you're playing a game with your friends and one friend isn't doing a good job leading the game or making fair rules. You might all get together and decide to vote to say "we don't think you should be in charge anymore."

In real life, this can happen in politics when a group of lawmakers or politicians think the leader of the country or government is doing a bad job. They can call for a vote to say "we don't have confidence in you anymore and we want someone else to take over."

It's an important way for people to hold leaders accountable and make sure they are doing a good job.