ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Motion picture rating system

Okay, so you know how sometimes you want to watch a movie but your parents or guardians say you can't because it's not appropriate for your age? That's where the motion picture rating system comes in.

Movies are rated based on how appropriate they are for different age groups. This is done to help parents and guardians decide what movies are okay for their kids to watch.

The rating system has different letters and numbers that tell you what age group a movie is okay for. G and PG movies are okay for younger kids, while PG-13 and R movies might not be suitable for younger kids because they have more intense themes, language, violence, or adult content.

So, when a movie comes out in the theater or on DVD, it gets a rating based on its content, and that rating is displayed on the movie poster or DVD box.

If you're not sure what a movie's rating means, you can always ask your parents or guardians to explain it to you or look it up online.