ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mount Olympus

Mount Olympus is a very big and tall mountain in Greece, kind of like a giant playground for the gods! You remember the gods, right? The ones with cool powers like throwing thunderbolts and controlling the seas? Well, they all live up there on Mount Olympus, having fun and doing their godly duties.

It's really high up so it's pretty cold up there, even in the summertime! That's why the gods like to wear big, furry coats and warm hats to keep them cozy. But just because it's cold doesn't mean there isn't a lot of cool stuff to do up there. The gods have their own private homes, and they all hang out with each other while drinking delicious nectar and ambrosia.

Sometimes, they play games or have competitions to show off their powers. They'll have races or try to see who can lift the heaviest thing. The winner usually gets a prize or a toasted marshmallow.

Overall, Mount Olympus is where the gods live and play. It's a really special place full of myths and legends, and even though we can't visit it, we can always imagine what it's like to be up there with the gods!