ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Movement for the Self-Determination of Bioko Island

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Bioko Island. It's a really big island located in the West coast of Africa, and it belongs to the country called Equatorial Guinea. Now, some of the people who live in Bioko Island want to govern themselves instead of being ruled by the government of Equatorial Guinea. They want to make their own decisions about things like laws, taxes, and what they want their island to look like.

This movement is called the Self-Determination Movement, and it's made up of people who feel strongly that Bioko Island should be its own separate country. They believe that this would give them more control over their lives, better economic opportunities, and a stronger sense of identity as a community.

But, it's not that simple. The government of Equatorial Guinea doesn't want Bioko Island to become independent. They believe that the island is an important part of their country, and that everyone should work together to make it a better place. So there's a lot of disagreement and tension between the two groups.

So, to sum it up, some people who live in Bioko Island want to be their own country, but the government of Equatorial Guinea doesn't agree with that. It's a complicated situation that has a lot of people on both sides of the argument.