ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Movement of Animals

Animals can move in different ways. Some animals, like cheetahs, can run very fast. Others, like birds and insects, can fly or flit through the air. Some animals, like snakes, can slither on the ground, while others, like fish, can swim in water.

When animals move, they use different parts of their bodies to do it. For example, when a cheetah runs, it uses its strong legs to push off the ground and move forward quickly. Birds use their wings to flap and lift themselves into the air, while snakes use their muscles to wiggle and slide along.

Animals also move for different reasons. Some move to look for food, like a lion stalking prey. Others move to escape danger, like a rabbit jumping away from a predator. Some animals move to find a mate or to establish their territory.

Overall, the movement of animals is a crucial part of their survival and helps them navigate their environment and meet their needs.