ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mr. Yuk

Mr. Yuk is a sour-faced sticker that warns kids and grown-ups too about dangerous things like poison. It’s an image of a green face with a tongue stuck out and wide eyes. It tells us that we should never touch or swallow a dangerous thing that could harm us.

The sticker is made to attract attention and remind people to be careful. When we see this sticker on a bottle or container, we have to stop and think twice about what’s inside. It’s like a warning sign that we all have to remember. Just like when crossing the street, we have to stop, look both sides, and listen before crossing.

If you see Mr. Yuk, it means there’s poison inside. Poison is something that can make you very sick or even cause death. That’s why we have to be very careful and never touch, taste, or swallow something that has that sticker because it reminds us that it's not safe.

So, if you ever see Mr. Yuk, remember to stay away from that container or area and always tell an adult if you're not sure what to do.