ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Mudras are special hand gestures that are made in yoga and meditation. They are a way of communicating with your body and your mind. Think of it like using sign language with your hands!

Each mudra has a different meaning and can help you achieve different things. For example, the Gyan Mudra (index finger touching thumb) can help increase your concentration and learning, while the Prana Mudra (thumb touching ring and little fingers) can help increase your energy and reduce fatigue.

To do a mudra, all you need to do is bring your hands into a certain position and hold it for a period of time, usually while meditating or during yoga. Mudras are believed to work by stimulating certain energy points in your body, just like acupuncture.

So next time you're feeling stressed, tired, or just need a little boost, try incorporating mudras into your yoga or meditation practice and see how they can help you feel more balanced and centered!