ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Muhajir (Pakistan)

Alright kiddo, let me explain what a "Muhajir" is in Pakistan!
Imagine you live in a house and suddenly you have to leave because your parents found a better job in a new city. You have to pack your bags, say goodbye to your friends and move to a new place. That's kind of what happened to the Muhajirs.

In Pakistan, a "Muhajir" is someone who migrated from India to Pakistan during the 1947 partition. When Pakistan was created, Muslims had to move to Pakistan from India and Hindus and Sikhs had to move to India from Pakistan. This was because the two countries were separated due to religious differences and the leaders decided that people should live with others who had the same religion as them.

So, the Muhajirs are those people who left their homes, friends, and family in India and moved to Pakistan in search of a new life. They faced a lot of challenges and discrimination when they first arrived because they spoke a different language and were from a different culture. But over time, they settled in and became an important part of Pakistan's society.

Today, the Muhajirs are one of the largest ethnic groups in Pakistan. They have their own political party and continue to fight for their rights. But overall, they are just like any other Pakistani - they love their country and want to make it a better place for everyone.