ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5
Examples: abacus, qemu, dialectic, weed, rain

Multilateral development bank

Okay kiddo, so you know how when we want to buy something really big or important like a house or a car, we might need to ask the bank for some money to help us pay for it?

Well, countries also need money to build big things like roads, bridges, and schools. But instead of going to just one bank, they might go to a group of banks that work together, kind of like a team. This group of banks is called a multilateral development bank.

Multilateral means "many sides" or "many countries," because lots of different countries come together to be part of the bank. They each give some money to the bank and then the bank uses all of that money to help other countries build things that they need.

These banks are kind of like helpers for countries that might not have enough money to build everything they need on their own. The banks might also give advice to the countries about how to use the money wisely and make sure everything gets built properly.

So, just like how we might need to go to the bank for help sometimes, countries can go to the multilateral development bank for help too. And by working together, lots of countries can help each other build important things to make the world a better place!