ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Multimodal biometric system

A multimodal biometric system is like having many different locks on your treasure chest. Just like a treasure chest has different ways to unlock it, like a key or a code, a multimodal biometric system has many ways to identify a person, like using their fingerprint, face, voice, or even their iris (the colored part of their eye!).

This system uses multiple ways to make sure you are who you say you are. It's like your mommy or daddy making sure it's really you before they give you a treat. The system looks at all the different ways you can be identified to make sure it's really you and not someone who is trying to trick it.

That way, no one can steal your treasure or break into important places because they don't have all the right keys. In the same way, only the right person can access the treasure or the important place because they have all the right keys to unlock the locks.