Imagine you have a friend who is both a great singer and a great painter. You want to learn from your friend's talents, but you are not sure which one to learn first. That's kind of like multiple inheritance in computer programming.
In computer programming, there are different classes that define certain characteristics or behaviors of an object. When a class is formed by inheriting from more than one base class, it is called multiple inheritance. This is similar to having a friend who has multiple talents.
For example, let's say you want to make a program that simulates different types of birds. You can create a base class called "Bird" which defines features common to all birds, like having feathers, wings, and making chirping sounds. But at the same time, you also want some specific features for certain types of birds.
For that, you can create separate classes for each type of bird, like "Penguin" and "Eagle." Penguins can't fly but they can swim, so you'd have a "Penguin" class that inherits from "Bird" and also has some unique properties specific to penguins. Similarly, "Eagle" can fly and hunt, so it would inherit from "Bird" as well as "Hunter" class providing specialized hunter-specific features.
Using multiple inheritance allows you to create more specific classes by mixing and matching reusable features from various base classes. It also helps you to avoid writing redundant code and make your program modular and structurally sound.
Overall, just like your friend having multiple talents can make them unique and useful, multiple inheritance can help make classes in programming more specific and tailored to a particular use case.