ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mursili's eclipse

Mursili was a very famous king a long, long time ago. He lived in a place called the Hittite Empire, which was in the ancient world. One day, when Mursili was ruling his kingdom, something very special happened in the sky! The sun disappeared! This is called an eclipse.

An eclipse happens when the moon moves in front of the sun, like when you take a ball and hold it up in front of a lamp – the ball blocks the light from the lamp just like the moon blocks the light from the sun during an eclipse.

Mursili was very afraid when he saw this because he thought the sun was going to disappear forever! But he was a smart king, and he had studied the sky, so he knew what was happening. He explained to his people that this was just a natural thing that happened sometimes, and that the sun would come back soon.

The people were very impressed with Mursili's knowledge and bravery, and they started trusting him even more as their king. They realized that their king knew a lot about the world and he could help them understand things that they could not.

And that is the story of Mursili's eclipse - a very cool and scary thing that happened in the ancient world, but the king was smart enough to explain it!