ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Music for People (organization)

Music for People is a group of adults who get together to make music and have fun. They believe that everyone can make music, even if they don't know how to play an instrument or read music. They use things like voice, body percussion, and easy-to-play instruments like drums, shakers and xylophones to make music together.

At Music for People, you don't have to be a professional musician to participate. The point is to enjoy making music and to express yourself through it. The organization offers workshops, classes, and events where people can come together and make music. They also have a group of experienced musicians who lead the activities and help everyone to create and play music together.

Music is a great way to relax and have fun, and it can also bring people closer together. At Music for People, everyone is encouraged to be a part of the music-making process, whether it's by playing an instrument, singing, or just clapping along. The focus is on enjoying the music and each other's company.

So, Music for People is a group of adults who love music and want to share that love with others. They make music in a fun and inclusive way, and welcome anyone who wants to join in.