ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Music of Croatia

Music of Croatia is the kind of music that people in the country of Croatia like to sing and listen to. Just like how some people in other countries like to listen to different types of music, Croatians also have their own special kind of music they enjoy.

One type of Croatian music is called klapa music. Klapa music is sung by groups of people and usually doesn't have any musical instruments playing in the background. Instead, the people singing use their voices to create beautiful harmonies and melodies that sound really nice together.

Another type of Croatian music is called tamburica music. Tamburica music is made using special stringed instruments like the tamburica, which is like a smaller version of a guitar. The people who play these instruments usually play upbeat and lively music that makes you feel happy and want to dance.

Finally, there is also folk music in Croatia. Folk music is music that has been passed down from generation to generation and is a special part of Croatian culture. The instruments used in folk music can vary but usually include things like accordions, fiddles, and different types of drums. The music is often played at special events like weddings and festivals and gets everyone in a joyful mood.

So just like how some people like to listen to pop music or rock music, Croatians have their own special music that they enjoy and is a big part of their culture.