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Music of Turkey

Music of Turkey is all about the sounds that people make in the country of Turkey. Just like how people in different places speak different languages, people in Turkey have their own special sounds that they like to make when they sing and play instruments.

The most popular musical instrument in Turkey is called the oud. This instrument looks a bit like a guitar, but it has a round body and is usually played by plucking the strings with a finger or a plectrum.

Another popular instrument in Turkey is the saz, which is a bit like a lute. It has long neck and a pear-shaped body. People can strum the strings of this instrument to make a really nice rhythmical sound.

The songs that people sing in Turkey are generally very passionate and emotional. Some of the songs tell stories about love, others about the beauty of nature or about different parts of the country.

The music of Turkey has been influenced by many different cultures over the years. This can be seen in the way people play instruments or in the lyrics of the songs. For example, some Turkish songs have lyrics that are sung in Arabic or Persian, which are languages that are spoken in nearby regions.

Overall, music is an important part of Turkish culture and is loved by people all over the country. By listening to Turkey's music, anyone can learn about its history, beliefs, and the lives of its people.