ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Muslim world

The Muslim world is a big group of people who practice a religion called Islam. They believe in one God, who they call Allah, and they follow a holy book called the Quran.

Just like how there are different kinds of Christians or different types of Buddhists, there are also different kinds of Muslims. Some people who are part of the Muslim world might live in countries like Saudi Arabia or Iran, while others might live in countries like Indonesia or Turkey.

Muslims also follow certain rules like praying five times a day and not eating pork. They celebrate special holidays like Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

The Muslim world has had a big impact on history and culture. Many important scientists, philosophers, and artists were Muslim. The Muslim world has also been the site of many conflicts and wars throughout history, but it also has many peaceful and vibrant communities.