ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

My Scientology Movie

Okay, so there's this movie called "My Scientology Movie," and it's about a very unique and controversial religion called Scientology.

Scientology is like a club or group that people can join if they want to learn about their own spiritual journey and better themselves. But, it's also been criticized by many people, who say that it's a cult or a scam, and that it harms people who get too involved in it.

The movie ' My Scientology Movie' is about a filmmaker named Louis Theroux, who wants to learn more about Scientology and why many people seem to be scared of it. So, he tries to make a documentary about it, but he quickly finds out that Scientology is not very interested in being filmed or talked about.

In the movie, Louis meets with a man named Mark Rathbun, who used to be a very high-up member of the Scientology organization. Mark now speaks out against Scientology and claims that it's a dangerous and harmful group.

So, Louis decides to try and film a reenactment of some of the strange and scary things that Mark experienced while he was involved in Scientology. But everywhere they go, they're followed by people from the Scientology organization, who try to stop them from filming or even talking to people.

The movie ends up being a really interesting look at how people can become involved in a group that might not have their best interests at heart, and how hard it can be to try and expose something that people want to keep hidden. It's also a cool way to learn about a really unique and controversial religion!