ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator

The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a way to measure your unique personality. We all have different personalities, and the MBTI helps us figure out what our personalities are like. It measures four different things: how we take in information from the world around us, how we make decisions, how we show our energy, and how we view the world. The MBTI gives us four “letters” that stand for these things. For example, if you are an “INTJ” it means you are Introverted (like to be alone), Intuitive (like to think deeply), Thinking (logical rather than emotional), and Judging (like structure and order). That’s just one example; everyone gets their own unique combination of letters. Knowing your MBTI can help you understand yourself better, and to find an occupation that’s best suited to your personality.