ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Mythical origins of language

Have you ever made up a secret code with your friends to communicate with each other? Well, a long time ago, people also made up their own codes to communicate with each other. And over time, these codes became what we now call languages.

Some people believe that these codes or languages were created by the gods or by magical creatures. It's like when your parents tell you stories about fairies or unicorns - some people thought that these magical creatures had the power to create languages too.

Others believe that language developed over a long period of time as people started to use grunts, gestures, and sounds to communicate with each other. Just like when you're learning to talk and you start with simple words like "mama" and "dada", people started with simple sounds and then built up to more complex words and sentences.

So, the mythical origins of language are stories and beliefs about how people first started to communicate with each other through language. Some people believe it was created by magic or the gods, while others think it developed naturally over time through human interaction.