ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Names and titles of Jesus in the Quran

Okay kiddo, let's talk about names and titles of Jesus in the Quran!

In the Quran, Jesus is known as Isa (pronounced ee-sa). Just like how you have a name like Johnny, Isa is Jesus' name in the Quran.

But, there are also other names and titles that are used to describe Jesus in the Quran. One of these names is Al-Masih, which means "the Messiah." This is because Muslims believe that Jesus was sent as a special messenger from God to guide people towards the right path.

Another title used for Jesus in the Quran is Kalimatu'llah, which means "Word of Allah." This is because Muslims believe that Jesus was created by God's word, just like how God created everything else by simply saying "Be!"

So, to sum it up, in the Quran Jesus is known as Isa and sometimes referred to as Al-Masih (the Messiah) and Kalimatu'llah (Word of Allah). These names and titles are used to help people understand who Jesus was and what he represented in Islam.