ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Names of the Levant

Okay kiddo, so you know that the Levant is a region in the Middle East that includes countries like Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, and Palestine, right? Well, each of those countries has its own language and culture, and sometimes they have different names for the Levant.

For example, in Arabic, the Levant is called "al-Sham," which means "the north" because it's north of Mecca and Medina, which are the holy cities in Islam. In Hebrew, the Levant is called "HaMizrach HaTichon," which means "the northern east," while in Aramaic, an ancient language spoken in the region, it's called "P'turq."

So you see, even though we call it the Levant in English, there are many other names for the region depending on who you ask and which language they speak. Isn't that cool?
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