ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nanga (Japanese painting)

Nanga is a type of painting that comes from Japan. It's kind of like drawing or coloring, but it's done on a special kind of paper called rice paper, and instead of using crayons or markers, the artist uses paint made from crushed minerals and water.

The cool thing about nanga is that the focus is on nature and the outdoors. So the artist might paint things like mountains or trees or streams or flowers. And they are painted in a way that makes them look very realistic, like you could almost reach out and touch them.

Another important thing to know about nanga is that it has been around for a really long time, like hundreds and hundreds of years. So people who study it today can learn a lot about what life was like in Japan a long time ago by looking at nanga paintings. And people who like to appreciate art can enjoy looking at nanga paintings simply because they are beautiful and peaceful to look at.