ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Nankin Tamasudare

Okay, imagine you're playing with some sticks and some paper. You can roll up the paper and put it on the sticks, right? Well, imagine that the paper is really fancy and colorful, with pictures of animals and landscapes. And imagine that the sticks are connected with little strings, so that when you hold them a certain way, the paper rolls out and makes a neat pattern.

That's kind of what a nankin tamasudare is! It's a traditional Japanese toy made of small bamboo sticks (the same kind used for chopsticks) that are connected by a long string. The string is threaded through small pieces of paper that have been rolled up into tight tubes. The paper can be decorated with all kinds of designs, like birds, flowers, and even famous scenes from stories or history.

When you hold the nankin tamasudare a certain way, the little paper tubes roll out in a particular pattern, like tiles on a floor. Different ways of holding the toy will make different patterns, so it can be quite fun to experiment and try to figure them out!

Overall, a nankin tamasudare is a simple but beautiful toy that has been enjoyed by Japanese children (and adults!) for many generations. It's a bit like a puzzle and a bit like art, all wrapped up in one.