ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A nanomotor is a really, really tiny machine that can move things that are just as small. Imagine a teeny tiny car that can travel through the veins in your body, or a super tiny robot that can swim in the tiniest drops of water.

Nanomotors are made up of even smaller parts called molecules. These molecules are so small that you can't even see them with a normal microscope. They work together to help the nanomotor move. It's kind of like how your muscles work together to help you run or walk.

Scientists use special materials to create these tiny machines, like gold or carbon. They also use electricity to power the nanomotor, just like you need batteries to power your toy car.

Nanomotors can do lots of things, like delivering medicine right to where it needs to go in your body, or cleaning up pollution in the environment. Even though they are super small, nanomotors can have a big impact on the world around us!