ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Naraka (Buddhism)

"Naraka" is a place in Buddhism where people who have done bad things go to after they die. It's like a really, really bad jail.

When a person dies and they haven't been a very good person, they might go to Naraka instead of being born again in their next life. In Naraka, they will be punished for their bad deeds.

It's like if you didn't listen to your parents and kept doing bad things, you might have to go sit in a timeout for a long time. But in Naraka, the punishments are much worse. Imagine being burned, frozen, or cut over and over again - that's what it's like in Naraka.

But it's not forever. Eventually, the bad people who are sent to Naraka will have paid for their bad deeds and they will have the chance to be born again and try to do better in their next life. So it's like a warning to be good and not do bad things because you don't want to end up in Naraka!