ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Narezushi is a kind of sushi that has been around for a very long time. Like, a REALLY long time - we're talking about thousands of years ago, when people in Japan wanted to keep their fish fresh for a long time without a fridge.

They figured out that if they salted the fish really well and let it ferment for a few months, it would stay fresh and tasty for a long time! Then, when they were ready to eat it, they would rinse off the salt and vinegar and put it on top of some rice. That's how narezushi was born!

Nowadays, most sushi is made with fresh fish and eaten right away, but some people still love to eat narezushi because it has a unique flavor that you can't get from fresh fish. It's kind of sour and tangy, but still really delicious if you like that sort of thing!

So, if you ever see narezushi on the menu at a sushi restaurant or at a Japanese grocery store, you'll know that it's a very special and traditional kind of sushi that has been around for a loooong time!