ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Narumi polynomials

Okay, imagine you have some numbers, and you want to do some cool math things with them. One way to do that is by using something called a "polynomial." A polynomial is just a fancy way of saying a bunch of numbers that are all added, subtracted, or multiplied together.

Now, imagine someone named Narumi figured out a special kind of polynomial that can be used to solve really hard math problems. They called these special polynomials "Narumi polynomials."

The thing that makes Narumi polynomials so special is that they have a really unique structure. Instead of just being a bunch of random numbers thrown together, they have a pattern to them that makes them really powerful.

People who study Narumi polynomials use them to do things like encryption (which means making messages secret so only certain people can read them), solving equations, and more. It's kind of like having a secret code that only you and your friends can understand.

So, Narumi polynomials may sound really complicated, but they're really just a special type of math that can do amazing things with numbers!
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