ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

National Monument, Islamabad

"National monument" is like something that people make to remember something really important that happened a long time ago. It's like a big, fancy statue or building that people can look at and remember what happened.

Islamabad, where the national monument is located, is a city in a country called Pakistan. It's a place where lots of important people live and work, like the people who run the government.

The national monument in Islamabad is a very special place because it celebrates the people who fought for Pakistan's freedom. Pakistan used to be ruled by another country, but the people of Pakistan wanted to be their own bosses and make their own rules. So, they came together and fought for their freedom, and eventually won.

The national monument in Islamabad is a big, tall tower that represents the strength and bravery of the people of Pakistan. It's also a place where people can go and honor those who fought for Pakistan's freedom. So, whenever someone looks at the national monument in Islamabad, they can remember how strong and brave the people of Pakistan are, and how important it is to stand up for what you believe in.