ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Natural disasters

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes big things can happen in nature that can make things really scary and change the way things look? These are called natural disasters.

Let's start with earthquakes. Do you know what an earthquake is? It's when the ground shakes really hard because two plates under the earth's surface are moving past each other. When this happens, it can cause big cracks in the ground, things to fall off of shelves, and sometimes even buildings can collapse.

Another type of natural disaster is a hurricane. This is a big storm that usually starts in the ocean and can travel all the way to land. A hurricane has really strong winds that can knock over trees and buildings, and it can also drop a lot of rain that can cause flooding.

Then there are tornadoes, which are like really big spinning winds. Tornadoes can lift up things like cars and houses and move them around. This can be really dangerous and scary for people who are in the area.

There are also wildfires, which happen when there's a really big fire that spreads out of control. This can happen during really dry weather or when there's lightning that starts the fire. Wildfires can burn down entire forests, destroy homes, and make it hard for people and animals to breathe because of all the smoke.

Sometimes, natural disasters can be really scary and dangerous, but it's important to remember that there are people who work really hard to keep us safe. They're called first responders, and they help people when things like earthquakes or hurricanes happen. And while we can't always stop natural disasters from happening, we can be prepared by making a plan with our families and knowing what to do in case one happens where we live.