ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Naval Outlying Landing Field North Carolina (proposed)

Okay kiddo, so you know how airplanes need a lot of space to land and take off, right? Well, sometimes there are places where they can't land because there's not enough space or it's too crowded. So, the Navy wants to build a special area called a naval outlying landing field in North Carolina where they can practice landing and taking off in a safe and controlled way.

This proposed area would be way out in the countryside so that there wouldn't be any buildings or people around to get in the way. It would have a big runway where planes like jets and helicopters could land and take off. The Navy needs this special place to train their pilots and make sure they're really good at maneuvering their planes before they go out on important missions.

But before they can build it, they have to make sure it won't hurt the environment or any animals that live in the area. They also have to make sure it won't be too noisy for any nearby communities. So, they have to do a lot of research and planning first.

If they do build it, it will be a really important place where the Navy can make sure their planes and pilots are the best they can be. But they have to make sure they do it in a safe and responsible way.