ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Naval history of China

Okay kiddo, let's learn about the history of naval forces in China.

A long, long time ago, about 5000 years ago, China was already using boats to travel and trade across rivers and seas. However, it wasn't until the Song dynasty (960-1279) that the Chinese navy began to take shape.

During this time, the Song dynasty developed an imperial navy that was tasked with protecting their coastlines from foreign attacks. The navy was made up of different classes of ships, including warships armed with weapons, cargo ships for transporting goods, and even luxurious pleasure boats.

The Song navy was quite successful in protecting their coasts and shipping lanes, but over time, it became weaker due to political instability and invasions from foreign forces such as the Mongols.

It wasn't until the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) that the Chinese navy was revitalized. Admiral Zheng He, a famous explorer, led many expeditions that expanded China's maritime influence throughout Southeast Asia, India, and even reached as far as East Africa.

Zheng He's fleet was massive, consisting of over 300 ships, some of which were over 400 feet long, making them some of the largest ships ever built. However, after Zheng He's death, China's navy again suffered from a lack of investment and was eventually dismantled altogether.

It wasn't until the late 19th century when China was forced to confront the reality of needing a strong navy to compete with foreign powers such as Britain and Japan. China came to realize that without a formidable navy, they would not be able to defend themselves or their interests.

Thus began the modernization of China's navy, which continued until today. Nowadays, China's navy is one of the most powerful in the world, with advanced ships, submarines, and aircraft carriers, demonstrating how far China has come from their humble beginnings as river traders.